
Fate is the universal force that drives the hero forward. It is unavoidable and impossible to derail, because it comes from the very nature of the hero. All who the hero is, both in his personality and his circumstance, is tied to his fate. His character and personality are decided by his fate, just as his fate is decided by his character. Achilles is fated to die at Troy, because it is in his nature to fight in the war.

Fate is guided by a sense of divinity even beyond the Olympian gods. From the start, every hero and every event is tied to his fate, or moira; a man’s predestined amount, either in length of life or in designated amount of reward. Zeus measures this fate, but he does not control it, as even the gods are victims of fate.


Characters and gods are often struck with a sudden emotion or impulse that they cannot ignore. It seems to overpower them and they are helpless to the will of the urge. The Greeks believed these fits to be outside divine forces called daimones that personified emotion. Achilles' opponents were struck with Fear. Zeus was captured by Lust. Agamemnon claims that his fight with Achilles in the beginning of the epic was the fault of Delusion:

This is the word the Achaians have spoken often against me
And found fault with me in it, yet I am not responsible
But Zeus is, and Destiny, and Erinys the mist-walking
Who in assembly caught my heart in the savage delusion
On that day I myself stripped from him the prize of Achilleus.
Yet what could I do? It is the god who accomplishes all things.
Delusion is the elder daughter of Zeus, the accursed

Who deludes all; her feet are delicate and they step not
On the firm earth, but she walks the air above men’s heads
And leads them astray. She has entangled others before me.
Yes, for once Zeus even was deluded, though men say
He is the highest one of gods and mortals…

Il., 19.85-138.

On the other hand, it may be no accident that Agamemnon draws attention to the fact that the same daimon that tricked him also had tricked Zeus, the greatest god of all.

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Consider what you know about the Homeric hero concerning Fate and free will. Do you think Agamemnon made a good argument, claiming his fault in offending Achilles to be because of Delusion? 

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